Friday, April 17, 2020 – Requests!
Glen’s pizza/wine/acoustic YouTube Live Stream Concert Request Party, Friday, April 17.
Glen’s pizza/wine/acoustic YouTube Live Stream Concert Request Party, Friday, April 17.
Rock and Folk Music by Jewish Artists Pour a glass of wine and join us online for a virtual house party with Glen Roethel, the amazing performer who entertained us at Cafe TBA. Glen will […]
Glen’s next pizza/wine/acoustic YouTube Live Stream Concert Party is Friday, April 10, 6:00 PM–8:00 PM. Go to: https://youtu.be/EoIVTvJ60A4 Please spread the word (NOT the virus!), Subscribe to Glen’s YouTube Channel, and visit https://glenroethel.com for […]
Hello, Friends far and near! I’m still—to borrow a phrase from my friend Amy Soucy—”an artist in residence,” and we are all adjusting to extended close-quarters, so I’m doing it again. This time the theme […]
Read the backstory for my song, “Hungry”, inspired by a homeless man I got to know in NY .
I don’t know why I’m always surprised, but every time I play at the Boathouse in Ossining it becomes a huge party! We sing songs, wave to boaters, cool down with sea spray and umbrella […]
Now’s your chance to catch TWO fun shows in one week! (Don’t say I didn’t tell you so!) THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2017 (TOMORROW) 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:30) Original music concert with Glen! The […]
Glen leads a celebrity cast and band in a favorite classic, “Drift Away,” by Dobie Gray. Listen to the room light up!