Glen Roethel: Live Acoustic Concert ~ “Songs from the THEME-ATTIC”
Been quiet a while, away from the stream like a fish out of water, but very happy to say that my family has relocated, and I am thrilled to play for you again! Yes, I’ve chiseled away decades of my life by the ton, made boxes, even unearthed old treasures – only to find myself drawn to the most recent items I’d put away in the attic…my STREAM THEMES! So I’ve assembled some fragments, dust, and pieces of cardboard, mixed ’em with music, and plan to bring you a smorgasbord of theme bits. So pull up a frozen dinner and a fancy drink – it’s FRIDAY NIGHT FEELS KINDA-SORTA NORMAL AGAIN!
The show is free. I’m happy just to sing for you. But if you feel so inclined and if you have the means, I will gladly accept your financial support – thank you!
PAYPAL: paypal.me/inspireline or send to glen@inspireline.com
Or visit GLENROETHEL.COM for secure credit card options. THANK YOU!
PAYPAL: paypal.me/inspireline or send to glen@inspireline.com
Or visit GLENROETHEL.COM for secure credit card options. THANK YOU!