Revisiting the David Roth *Rising in Love* CD concert! (guest: Glen Roethel)
Join us for this commemorative (of David’s very first CD) online concert!
Rising in Love
Don’t Should on Me
The Armor Song
Will You Come Home
That Kind of Grace
Five Blind Men
Manuel Garcia
Norman’s Way
May the Light of Love
My special guest, dear pal, and tech wizard for this will be Glen Roethel. We’ll also stay in the meeting (with a short break) for the after-party where we can say hi and go around and see what folks are thankful for. I surely am grateful for each and every one of you who has expressed interest and embraced independent music like mine all these years.
After-party playlist:
~ From Plymouth Rock to Standing Rock
(written with Graham and Barbara Dean)
~ a song from Glen!
~ How Many Ways Can I Be Grateful (written with Glen)