Us! (my message-minded trio) in virtual concert *Music My Mother Would Not Like*
OK, it really isn’t true…my mother probably would like this music – maybe you will too.
That’s right, my trio, Us!, with yummy close harmonies, catchy tunes, topical topics, and tasty music is going to dive into the streamwaves once again. If you haven’t heard us yet, don’t feel bad, a little pandemic kinda took us out of the game just as we were getting revved up; if you have heard us, you already know that we are pretty light-hearted and gently serious about some really tough topics the center around •dialogue across difference•, •acceptance of others who are not like us•, •love of the earth•, •peace•, and •connection•. We also sing about boats, canoes, wishes, dogs, protests, and change.
Sound good?
Also on the docket: Bryce Ernest Taylor and Ruth and Max Bloomquist.
Come to the show. It’s free. Unless you decide to throw some money at us 🙂
REGISTER HERE: https://fb.me/e/ImbXHnfl