As of Today, I’m Greening the Grid


Just look at this amazing photo. It’s a wind farm, with wind turbines as far as the eye can see. Miles and miles of ’em! I was on the road from Indianapolis to Kalamazoo, and this inspiring sight lifted my heart!

So this is my thought – and my celebration – for today: as of today, my darling Dawn and I are 100% on the green grid. This means that we filled out a simple form (with help from our friend, Stuart Dworeck at Viridian – he’s Teri Scheinzeit’s husband) and committed to exclusively receive our electricity from wind, solar, hydro and other renewable (green) sources. [FYI: This costs almost exactly the same as (and often less than) long-standing filthy, eco-unfriendly, lung- and life-choking carbon-sourced energy.]

I smile every time I see one of these beautiful turbines, and I am happier knowing that I have taken another step to be part of the solution and to create the change that I want to see in the world.

Contact Stuart Dworeck at He can hook you up, nice and clean 🙂

Posted in Inspirations, News.