image for emPower Music Festival 2024

emPower Music Festival

Join me at The emPower Music Festival and 19th Annual emPower Music Awards at Unity Village in Kansas City, MO, June 26–30, 2024! I’ll be performing in concerts and showcases with amazing Posi Artists and also […]

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Sloan and US! in concert at the Towne Crier Cafe, Beacon, NY!

Concert: Us! & Sloan Wainwright Band

Us! (Glen Roethel, Judy Kass, Amy Soucy) – Bringing the goodness of “living and singing in harmony” plus the wholesome power and grace of Sloan Wainwright to the stage at Godfrey Daniels.

7 E. 4th St., Bethlehem, PA 18015-1601

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